My next spotlight guest is a woman that I initially met through the writing community of Squidoo.
We were in a niche community called 'Rocketmoms' where we took on writing challenges to learn to improve our writing skills in a safe environment of supporters. The group has evolved on to other things but friends and acquaintances have remained.
Grandma Marilyn caught my attention because of her beadwork.
Surprised aren't you?
She does some beautiful work and she not only makes these items but she also creates and sells patterns of her creations.
Marilyn's beadwork is called beadweaving and once you visit her many sites and see some of the things that she has created I believe you will find her inspiring as much as I did.
You will find that Marilyn stays very busy, she can be found several places on the internet. I have provided some links to find her at the very bottom of this post.
So without further ado: Grandma Marilyn